Book Club Reporter Book Reviews

The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley - Western Historical Romance - Book Review

Laura Jay Season 4 Episode 2

The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley - Western Historical Romance - Book Review

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Book Club Reporter Podcast Book Review – Season 4 Episode 2


The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley – Women’s Western Historical Fiction Novel 



Music Intro - Greeting


Hello gentle readers. Welcome to Book Club Reporter Book Reviews Podcast. I’m your host and Book Club Reporter, Laura Jay.  





This is Season 4 - Episode 2                                              



Book Review Book


Today I am sharing with you my Book Club Reporter book review of the women’s western and historical fiction novel: The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley.



New Listener Information 


For new visitors listening here today, I want to invite you to visit my BookClubReporter website. So be sure to read all my book reviews, book news, book club reading lists and more at and now you can find some additional reviews by me on And I would love for you to come follow me over on Twitter where you can find me as: @jay_reporter and on Instagram where you can find me as: bookclubreporter_laura_jay



Publisher Book Description 


Now, before I share with you my book review of: The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley, please let me provide you with the publisher’s book description of this book. As you may know, the publisher’s book description is the first thing most of us read when we are deciding whether or not to purchase a book.


Okay, so here is The Publisher Book Description of The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley.  

A brutal killing shackles Cayo Bradley more than his captivity by Apaches until his salvation—falling obsessively in love with Darby McPhee.

Can a deathbed promise ever be broken? This dilemma confronts Darby McPhee, an untutored farm girl caught in a tedious routine of caring for her father, brothers, and working in a mercantile since her mother’s death. Darby falls in love with Cayo Bradley, a high-spirited cowboy from a nearby ranch, struggling to settle back into White Society after his captivity by the Jicarilla Apache in northeastern New Mexico.

Darby is torn between her love for Cayo and the vow at her mother’s side to seek an education. This choice stands in the way of her heart’s desire to belong to the untamed ranch hand. If she maintains her promise it will cleave apart her world, despite knowing she’s Cayo’s redemption.

In this haunting tale of stunning love and loss, Darby learns regardless of what transpires she will always be The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley . . .

Ruth Hull Chatlien, author of Blood Moon, and The Ambitious Madame Bonaparte has this to say about The Who Loved Cayo Bradley: 

“Romano’s story sizzles with the tension of lovers—one struggling to blend Apache ways and White, the other torn between East and West—searching for a way to join two lives traversing in opposite directions.” 

And —Michelle Cox, author of the Henrietta and Inspector Howard series says: 


“The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley, is a superbly crafted American Western Romance, is a deftly spun saga of ill-starred sweethearts—an expertly woven story with clever dialogue, a fast-paced plot, and enchanting, elegant prose!” 

Okay listeners, that concludes the Publisher Book Description of The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley.




Book Review 


Now, here is my book review of The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley.

I found myself truly captivated by The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley. Cayo and Darby may seem as different as night and day. And why wouldn’t they? Growing up from children to young adults their life experiences have been completely dissimilar. But were they really that different? On the surface it may seem so, yet at their cores they share similar experiences of responsibility, abandonment, guilt and captivity of one kind or another.

Author, Nina Romano brings to readers an exquisitely written story. In addition, Romano expertly immerses readers into mid-1800’s America with interesting, intricate and accurate details of the people, the land and the times. The hauntingly beautiful love story of Darby and Cayo pulled ever so tightly at my heartstrings. I am looking forward to reading more from this wonderful author. 



More Information


Thank you all for joining me today for this Book Club Reporter book review. If you would like more information about today’s book review, or a copy of the book, check the show notes for this podcast episode, or simply visit 



Appreciation and Donation Information


As always, I very much appreciate you all stopping by and listening to my feelings about the books I read. I hope you have enjoyed this book review podcast episode and my book club reporter podcast show. And if you did, feel free to buy me a cup of coffee. Just click the Buy Me a Coffee link in the show notes of this podcast.


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In plain English, that means if you click on a product link in my podcast show notes, and purchase a product via that product link, I may earn a small fee. 


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Thank You/Music Outro


And I certainly want to mention, I created this podcast so I could tell everyone about the books I loved reading. I am always working toward being able to afford better equipment to improve the quality of this podcast show for my podcast listeners. So, whether you decide to buy me a cup of coffee, via the link in the podcast notes, or by clicking one of my affiliate product links. I thank you so much in advance for your kindness, you are very much appreciated. 



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