Book Club Reporter Book Reviews

Spotlight On Author Series - Rebecca Hodge - Wildland and Over the Falls

Laura Jay Season 3 Episode 14

Spotlight On Author Series - Rebecca Hodge - Wildland and Over the Falls

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 Hello gentle readers and listeners. Welcome to Book Club Reporter Book Reviews Podcast. I’m your host and Book Club Reporter, Laura Jay. 



This is season 3, episode 14 of my book review podcast.

Today’s episode is   part of my Spotlight on Author Series. And today the spotlight is on author, Rebecca Hodge. And we will actually be hearing from the author, during this podcast episode.



 Before we get started be sure to read all my book reviews, book news, book club reading lists and more at and now you can find additional book reviews by me on That is the sister podcast website for So, that’s and



And you can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Just take a look at the show notes for this podcast for all the info and links.



 Okay, today I am pleased to shine the Book Club Reporter Podcast Spotlight on author: Rebecca Hodge. Rebecca will be paying us a visit today and should you like more information about Rebecca, be sure to check out her website at: That is again:



 Now before we hear from Rebecca I would love to tell you about one of Rebecca’s wonderful novels. I recently read Wildland and it just blew me away. Wildland starts out with a widowed woman, Kat Jamison, who received a cancer diagnosis. Her husband has passed away, and Kat is not sure she has the will to carry on with more chemo treatments. 



 But, if you think you know where this story is going, and in what direction it will take us, I have to confess…I guessed wrong. Instead, I found Wildland to be a nail-biting thriller with Kat right in the middle of a heart-stopping crisis. 



 Kat decides to stay at her cabin in the Blueridge Mountains, where she and her husband used to vacation together. Wildland doesn’t take too much time to grab readers and pull them into this thrilling adventure. Kat is going to face great danger. But with her spirits so low, how will she face an unforeseen catastrophic event? 



Soon there will be two children and two dogs whose very lives depend on how Kat handles the disaster all around them. Can a woman in such low spirits, rise above her own misfortune to try to save them all? 



 Okay, I going to take a break here for us to listen to Rebecca Hodge’s message for all of us. I am so excited to tell you that Rebecca Hodge has been kind enough to say “hi” to us all. Today, Rebecca tells us a little about herself in this Book Club Reporter: Spotlight on Author podcast episode. So stay right here because Rebecca Hodge is coming right up now. 



 Hi this is Rebecca Hodge, and I’m here to tell you a little about myself. Thanks so much to Laura Jay for inviting me to be part of this Book Club Reporter review. It’s great to be here.

 I am a veterinarian, who has spent most of my working career as a clinical research scientist…actually working in early phase clinical trials for human drugs. But writing is certainly my passion. 

 My debut novel, Wildland, was released last year, and has received significant praise. And my most recent novel, which releases this week, is Over the Falls, which is the story of a woman who has really withdrawn from the world, who has to rejoin the real world as she searches for the sister that she hates.

 I live in Raleigh, North Carolina, I’ve got three grown sons, and two crazy dogs. And I’m excited to connect to new readers. Check out my website if you would like more information. And thanks again, Laura, for letting me share.    



 Oh, listeners and fellow readers, I hope you enjoyed hearing from the author. Many thanks to Rebecca Hodge for taking a few moments to tell us about herself. I am so happy to have found Rebecca’s books: Over The Falls and Wildland. Once again, if you would like to visit Rebecca’s website go to:



 I hope you all enjoyed Rebecca Hodge’s message to us. Please be sure to listen to my podcast episodes Season 3, Episodes 12 and 13 for my full book reviews of Wildland, Rebecca’s debut novel, and her latest book, Over the Falls. I enjoyed both books so much and I hope you will too. 



 “Thank you so much for joining me today for this Spotlight on author, Rebecca Hodge, episode. As always, I really appreciate you stopping by and listening to my feelings about the books I read, and about the authors I love. I will continue to bring you book reviews of the books I loved reading. 



 Thanks again to author, Rebecca Hodge, for stopping by to tell us a little about yourself. It was really such a treat to learn more about you. Thanks again, so much, Rebecca.



 I hope you have enjoyed this Spotlight on Author podcast episode and my book club reporter podcast show. And if you did, feel free to buy me a cup of coffee. Just click the Buy Me a Coffee link in the show notes of this podcast episode. Your support means so much to me. Thanks in advance for your kindness. You are very much appreciated. 



 Thanks again for listening, see you next time.